i have been thinking since a friend of mine died, life is really too short. it wasn't expected by many that he will say his goodbye to us. i guess he want to spend his life here longer. then it came into my mind that death is unexpected. we should always live our life as if it we're our last. we can never know that day was our last or that friends life is their last. say everything you want to say. feel free to live, to laugh and be hurt. be happy that you're hurt that you still feel it, because someday you might not. be thankful that you have problems almost everyday, because that only proves that you're still alive. life is struggling. life is too short to regret, to be lonely and to lose hope. be happy that you are still alive and be contented. be thankful and always tell everyone that you love that you love them. live your life and fight for it. as the poem of dylan thomas said "do not go dentle into that goodnight". be able to fight for your life and live it to the fullest because life is too short.